Language. People. Stories.
Bonus: Sergei Chernov on the history of interpreting
19 December 2019 | 25 mins 52 secs
As part of my interview with Sergei, we also took a deep dive into the lesser known history of simultaneous interpreting in Russia. In parallel to Filene and Finley, a certain Dr. Epstein and an engineer called Goron developed their own sim system for the congress of the Communist International in 1928.
39: The WISE Interpreting Workshops
25 August 2019 | 18 mins 21 secs
How Joe Burbidge & José Sentamans started a movement
36: Alexander Smith, protected by his innocence
26 September 2018 | 47 mins 40 secs
An interview with my former colleague in DG Interpretation in the European Commission
Sign of the times III - France
23 August 2018 | 30 mins 39 secs
Cette épisode est la troisième, et la dernière, dans une petite série à propos des langues des signes. J’ai commencé en Ecosse avec les professeurs Jemina Napier et Graham Turner et l’histoire de la British Sign Language Scotland Act. Après, j’a rencontré Laura Schwengber en Allemagne, ou elle invite les sourds de vivre la musique que, normalement, ils peuvent pas entendre. Et bien voilà, maintenant, on conclut la série en France avec Stéphan Barrère, qui nous parle de son parcours personnel et de la vie d’hier et d’aujourd’hui des sourds en France. Bonne écoute !
Sign of the times II - Deutschland
26 April 2018 | 27 mins 14 secs
deutsch, sign-language
Ausflug nach Gehörlosistan mit Laura Schwengber
Sign of the times I - The Story of the BSL (Scotland) Bill
20 February 2018 | 45 mins 39 secs
This episode is part of a mini-series on sign language interpreting, a topic I have become increasingly fascinated by in recent years. In the same time, sign language interpreting has moved more into public awareness, including within our profession. AIIC, the international association of conference interpreters, now has members working with sign language. The European Parliament has become involved, as you heard in episode 28 of LangFM, about the EUsigns conference. And more and more countries are upgrading the status of their national sign languages.
38: Der Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf das Konferenzdolmetschen (Vortrag)
15 January 2018 | 49 mins 3 secs
Am 11. Dezember 2017 habe ich bei der traditionellen Montagskonferenz des Heidelberger Dolmetscherinstituts ( einen Vortrag über die Rolle von Technik und Technologie im Konferenzdolmetschen gehalten. Dies hier ist der Mitschnitt, ohne die anschließende Fragerunde.
Live at TC39: New Frontiers in Interpreting Technology
29 November 2017 | 1 hr 7 mins
On 17 November 2017, Danielle D’Hayer, Anja Rütten, Joshua Goldsmith, Marcin Feder, Barry Olsen and yours truly organised a panel discussion at the 39th “Translating And The Computer” Conference in London. We discussed many aspects of technology use...
35: Viva Las Vienna, mit Dagmar & Judy Jenner
17 October 2017 | 1 hr 1 min
Konferenzschaltung mit Dagmar Jenner in Wien und Judy Jenner in Las Vegas - Ich plaudere mit den beiden über ihre Familiengeschichte, ihre Arbeit und vieles mehr. Show notes & Transkript:...
34: My Chat With Matt Baird, The Bolder Translator
25 July 2017 | 31 mins 36 secs
Matt Baird is a US-born and Germany-based translator and copywriter with many interesting stories to tell. Matt also hosts the podcast of the American Translators Association. Tune in to find out how Matt got interested in learning German, about his...
33: Exploring Irish with Susan Folan
3 May 2017 | 20 mins 54 secs
Irish is an old-fashioned language that nobody speaks? Wrong! Susan Folan, EU-accredited interpreter for English and Irish tells me about the role of that wonderful Gaelic language in Ireland and the EU.
32: Brian Fox, A Life In Interpreting
5 April 2017 | 45 mins 53 secs
This episode was special for me: I had the chance to sit down for a chat with Brian Fox. Just weeks after his retirement, Brian looks back at a long and rich career in SCIC, the interpreting service of the European Commission, both as an interpreter...
31: Paola Gentile and the status of interpreters
22 February 2017 | 18 mins 35 secs
What do interpreters think about themselves and their profession? Do male and female interpreters have different opinions? And what do conference interpreters think about their public service peers? Italian interpreter and researcher Paola Gentile,...